
“Tell Me of Lincoln”, Memories of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

April 19, 2012

Date/Time: Thursday, April 19, 2012 7:30pm
Location: The Brick Academy, 15 West Oak Street, Basking Ridge
Presenter: William B. Styple

Program Description:

In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War, The Historical Society of Somerset Hills will be having William Styple, a resident of Chatham, present a program on Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Styple has written close to twenty books on the Civil War and his most recent book is “Tell Me of Lincoln”.

The presentation will uncover fascinating stories, documented interviews and other accounts of President Lincoln by James Kelly (1855-1933), the renowned artist and sculptor of Lincoln.  James Kelly’s ambition was not only to create a bronze of President Lincoln, but he was also known to have conducted interviews in order to seek out living witnesses of this strong and vigorous leader.

Mr. Styple is an excellent speaker who leaves the audience asking for more. Whether you are history buff, or just interested in the Civil War era, this is a program not to miss!